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Energy Supplements:







With all of the stress inherent in day to day living, it is easy to feel run down. Between work, family, friends, clubs, kids, parents and everyone else who wants a piece of your time, it's hard to have anything left at the end of the day. Many people try to cope with caffeine or energy drinks, but these kinds of things are not really the answer. Only by adding energy supplements to your diet will you be able to permanently solve your energy problems. As you consider which energy supplements to take, it is helpful to understand what really gives you energy at the cellular level. The body's energy producing powerhouses are known as mitochondria, and cells with high metabolic levels, like your heart muscles, contain thousands of mitochondria. The energy produced by your mitochondria is critical for your stamina, endurance, and overall physical strength. When your mitochondria weaken, you get fatigue, weakness and impaired cognitive function. Therefore, as you seek to keep your energy levels high with energy supplements, you want to take those things which will feed your mitochondria and keep them happy.


Medical science has not yet found the perfect super food for your mitochondria, but there are a number of nutrients which have been found to be useful in improving mitochondrial function. Most are available separately from where ever you shop for vitamins, but do take advantage of new combination formulas for energy supplements as they are developed. " Alpha-lipoic Acid: This nutrient improves blood sugar levels, helping to prevent insulin imbalances that can crash your metabolism and lead to diabetes. It also improves mental alertness and energy. " B-Complex Vitamins: B6, B12, and B50 are all wonderful system boosters for energy, circulation, and metabolic rate. Additionally, if you are deficient in B-Complex vitamins it makes it more difficult for your body to absorb many of the other nutrients on this list. Thus, if you can't take any of the other energy supplements, at least take something with B-Complex support. " Carnitine: This nutrient helps to energize the heart and convert stored body fat into energy.


It also works to lower bad LDL Cholestorol. It is most often available as Acetyl - L-carnitine (ALCAR) when you can find it. " Coenzyme Q-10: This is very good for high metabolic cells, like those near your heart. However, do note that this nutrient can lower the effectiveness of blood thinners. It serves to help produce energy and also lowers blood pressure. " N-acetylcystein (NAC): This is the Verizon of cell nutrients, as it improves communication between cells. It also helps to prevent hair loss and can be found in garlic, red pepper, and onions. " Zinc: This nutrient helps stabilize cell structures and works to help assemble proteins within your cells. Zinc is also critical to proper thyroid function and as many thyroid disorders contain an energy depleting element it is important to be sure you are getting enough Zinc. By making an effort to include these energy supplements in your diet and daily life, you will be doing a major favor for your health. Additionally, by eliminating artificial stimulants like caffeine and energy drinks, you will be allowing your body's natural resources to express themselves fully in the form of true energy.




*This offer made possible from your partners at: Max Success International



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